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Students working with projectors and cameras in a New Genres class

New Genres at UCLA

The New Genres Area curriculum includes moving image, sound, performance, installation, hybrid, and emerging art forms. The program invites students to question preconceived ideas about the roles art plays in society, and to examine how these roles are impacted by specific forms and mediums. To that end, students are encouraged to experiment with artistic process, to track the way that ideas change as they move through various modes of production, and to examine how content is affected by methods of display and dissemination.


New Genres Faculty

Assistant Professor and New Genres Area Head

Vishal Jugdeo

Assistant Professor

Gelare Khoshgozaran


New Genres Lab Supervisor

Owen Kydd


Location & Contact Information

New Genres Area Location

The New Genres Area is located on the second floor of the Broad Art Center, Gallery Wing

New Genres Classrooms – 2122 and 2135

New Genres Editing Suites – 2132 and 2136

New Genres Installation Spaces – 2118, 2145, 2147, 2138, and 2140

New Genres Lab Supervisor

Owen Kydd


T: (310) 206-3888

Office: Broad Art Center Suite 2124

Lab Supervisor Office Hours

Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Faculty Office Hours

Email faculty directly to arrange virtual office hours

New Genres Faculty

Vishal Jugdeo, Assistant Professor and New Genres Area Head


T: (310) 206-3888

Office: 2139 Broad Art Center

Gelare Khoshgozaran, Assistant Professor


T: (310) 206-3888

Office: 2139 Broad Art Center

Facilities & Equipment

New genres classrooms are equipped with projectors, Apple computers, sound systems, and media carts capable of playing DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and VHS tapes. The work rooms adjacent to new genres classrooms are used as shared studio and exhibition spaces by students enrolled in new genres classes. Students may also use classrooms, work rooms, and classroom computers outside of class time. Other facilities available for students enrolled in new genres classes are listed below.

Instructional Materials Fee

All students must pay an Instructional Materials fee each quarter they are enrolled in new genres classes. As of April 2024, the fee is $125 and payable to UC Regents. This quarterly fee supports student facilities and equipment and is required for access to the Video Viewing Room, New Genres Editing Suites, and all tools and equipment related to new genres classes. Students not enrolled in new genres classes also may gain access to new genres equipment by paying this Instructional Materials fee.

Product/Service Unit Measure Rate
Lab Use Fee Per Quarter $125.00
Compact Discs* Per Unit $1.00
DVDs* Per Unit $1.00
Mini-DV Tapes* Per Unit $4.00
SD Cards* Per Unit $15.00
Computer Multi-Adapters* Per Unit $25.00

*denoted items are subject to price change based on current market price

New Genres Undergraduate & Graduate Courses

Undergraduate New Genres Courses

ART 11D. New Genres

Units: 4

Studio, eight hours; five hours arranged. Introduction to projects in moving image, sound, performance, installation, hybrid, and emerging forms and processes. P/NP or letter grading.

ART 137. Advanced New Genres

Units: 5

Studio, eight hours; seven hours arranged. Requisite: course 11D. Emphasis to be selected by faculty members from one or more of following media: moving image, sound, performance, installation, hybrid, or emerging forms and processes. May be repeated for maximum of 20 units. Letter grading.

ART 137A. Advanced New Genres: Topics in Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Units: 5

Studio, eight hours; seven hours arranged. Requisite: course 11D. Varied approaches to new genres media and content to develop students' technical, expressive, and conceptual tools to understand and explore anti-racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Combination of courses 137 and 137A may be repeated for maximum of 20 units. Letter grading.

Art 197. Individual Studies in Art

Units: 2 to 4

Tutorial, to be arranged. Preparation: 3.0 grade-point average in major. Corequisite: course 190. Limited to junior/senior art majors. Individual intensive studio project or independent study, with scheduled meetings to be arranged between faculty member and student. Tangible evidence of project or mastery of subject matter required. May be repeated for maximum of 8 units. Individual contract required. Letter grading.

Art 198. Honors Research in Art

Units: 2 to 4

Tutorial, to be arranged. Preparation: 3.0 grade-point average overall, 3.5 grade-point average in major. Corequisite: course 190. Limited to junior/senior art majors. Development and completion of comprehensive research or studio project under direct supervision of faculty member. May be repeated for maximum of 8 units. Individual contract required. Letter grading.

Recent Student Work

New Genres Graduate Studies

The New Genres Area is one of six areas of study offered in the M.F.A. art program. Graduate students are exposed to theoretical frameworks, historical precedents, and current examples of moving image, sound, performance, installation, hybrid, and emerging art forms and processes in combination with continued independent practice, experimentation, and critique.

New genres faculty Jennifer Bolande and Vishal Jugdeo serve as the primary advisors to students admitted to this area of study. Students also may work with faculty from other areas within the Department of Art or other departments across the university.

All M.F.A. students are offered the use of off-campus individual studios in the UCLA Margo Leavin Graduate Art Studios, located in Culver City. In addition to individual studio spaces, the studio building houses photography, sculpture, ceramics, and computer labs, as well as open spaces for exhibitions, lectures, and group critiques. Although the Department of Art does not offer graduate-level courses in the summer, the graduate studios are open year round.

M.F.A. applicants to the New Genres Area, please note: “New genres” may include artists who work in theater, film, music, writing, or new media, but generally only when they also have a strong engagement with the contemporary visual-art field.

Graduate New Genres Courses

ART 275. Graduate New Genres

Units: 2 to 8

Studio, eight hours. Studies in alternative media, including projects in moving image, sound, performance, installation, hybrid, and emerging forms and processes. May be repeated for credit with consent of adviser. Letter grading.

Art 276. Graduate Group Critique

Units: 4

Discussion, four hours; tutorial, to be arranged. Group critique/discussion of students' research. Additional tutorial meetings by arrangement with instructor. May be repeated for credit. Letter grading.

Art C280. Graduate Seminar

Units: 4

Seminar, three hours. Advanced topics in critical theory and study of contemporary art, with emphasis on individuals, issues, and methodologies. Possible areas of study include structuralism, deconstruction, feminist and psychoanalytic theory, commodification, and censorship. May be repeated for credit. Concurrently scheduled with course C180. Letter grading.

New Genres M.F.A. Candidates

Boz Deseo Garden,

TJ Shin,

Samar Al Summary,

New Genres Resources