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Students working in a painting studio

Painting and Drawing at UCLA

The Painting and Drawing Area at UCLA encourages innovation and experimentation while also addressing the history of the longest-standing practice in the visual arts. Within this area of study, students are encouraged to examine and explore all the creative possibilities offered by painting, drawing, and printmaking, while developing a critical and personal relationship to the discipline. Students are further encouraged to broaden their perceptual awareness through observation, translation, and invention of images, and to develop their critical skills through discussion of the historical and contemporary precedents for their work, assigned readings, group critique and visits to local museums and galleries. Excellent facilities and renowned faculty, both tenured and visiting, combine to create a rich and rewarding atmosphere for artistic production.


Painting and Drawing Faculty

Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Art

Rebecca Morris

Assistant Professor and Painting and Drawing Area Head

Cosmo Whyte



Kim Fisher


Alex Olson



Camilla Taylor


Lisa Diane Wedgeworth



John Wu

Painting and Drawing Lab Supervisor

Ben Evans


Location & Contact Information

Painting and Drawing Area Location

The Painting and Drawing Area is on the 5th, 6th, and 7th floors of Broad Art Center Tower

Beginning Drawing Studio Classroom – 7250

Beginning Painting Studio Classroom – 7230

Advanced Drawing Studio Classroom – 7240

Advanced Painting Studio Classrooms – 6220 and 6250

Painting and Drawing Lab Supervisor

Ben Evans


T: (310) 825-2882

Office: Broad Art Center Suite 6261

Faculty Office Hours

Email faculty directly to arrange virtual office hours

Painting and Drawing Faculty

Rebecca Morris, Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Art


T: (310) 825-3281

Office: 7250A, Broad Art Center

Cosmo Whyte, Assistant Professor and Painting and Drawing Area Head


T: (310) 825-3281

Office: 2275 Broad Art Center

Kim Fisher, Lecturer


Alex Olson, Lecturer


Camilla Taylor, Lecturer


Lisa Diane Wedgeworth, Lecturer


John Wu, Lecturer


Facilities & Equipment

The undergraduate painting and drawing facilities at the Broad Art Center consist of five spacious studio classrooms with natural and artificial lighting and spectacular views of Los Angeles. The two Advanced Painting studios are divided into individual work spaces, providing upper-division undergraduates with an opportunity to work in their own studio spaces for an entire quarter. Six individual senior studio spaces are also awarded annually by a portfolio review. Facilities include a library, a Wood Shop for building stretcher bars, and a Printmaking Studio.

Instructional Materials Fee

All students must pay an instructional materials fee each quarter they are enrolled in Printmaking. As of April 2024, the fee is $75 and is payable to UC Regents. The fee supports access to polishing and rubbing compounds, asphaltum, grounds, lacquer thinner, application brushes, community tools, mineral spirits, cleaners, talc, and methyl cellulose. There is an additional $20 fee for access to use the Painting and Drawing woodshop.

Product/Service Unit Measure Rate
Printmaking Lab Use Fee Per Quarter $75.00
Woodshop Lab Use Fee Per Quarter $20.00
Printmaking Paper* Per Sheet $7.00
Wood* Per Foot $1.22
Canvas* Per Inch $0.31
18"x24" Zinc Plates* Per Sheet $202.00
Nitrile Gloves* Per Unit $13.00
Rags* Per Unit $10.00
Gampi Paper* Per Unit $30.00
12"x18" Linoleum* Per Sheet $11.00
Stretcher Bar Building* Per Hour $71.48

*denoted items are subject to price change based on current market price

Painting and Drawing Undergraduate & Graduate Courses

Undergraduate Painting and Drawing Courses

Art 1A. Drawing

Units: 4

Studio, eight hours; five hours arranged. Course in basic drawing skills, history, and conceptual concerns, intended as preparation for work in variety of media. P/NP or letter grading.

Art 11A. Painting

Units: 4

Studio, eight hours; five hours arranged. Basics of painting: introduction to technical procedures, tools, and materials. Discussion of fundamental conceptual and formal concerns. P/NP or letter grading.

Art 130. Advanced Drawing

Units: 5

Studio, eight hours; seven hours arranged. Requisite: course 1A. Drawing as both independent expressive medium and as means of visualization. May be repeated for maximum of 20 units. Letter grading.

Art 133. Advanced Painting

Units: 5

Studio, eight hours; seven hours arranged. Requisite: course 11A. Varied media and subjects to further develop students’ technical and expressive means to implement their ideas. May be repeated for maximum of 20 units. Letter grading.

Art 133A. Advanced Painting: Topics in Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Units: 5

Studio, eight hours; seven hours arranged. Requisite: course 11A. Varied approaches to painting media and content to develop students' technical, expressive, and conceptual tools to understand and explore anti-racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Combination of courses 133 and 133A may be repeated for maximum of 20 units. Letter grading.

Art 140. Advanced Printmaking

Units: 5

Studio, eight hours; seven hours arranged. Requisite: course 11C. Selected studies in fine printmaking, historical and contemporary: woodcut, etching and engraving, lithography, silk screen, mixed media. May be repeated for maximum of 20 units. Letter grading.

Painting and Drawing Graduate Studies

The Painting and Drawing Area is one of six areas of study in the M.F.A. art program. Within this area, graduate students are encouraged to examine and explore all of the formal and conceptual possibilities offered within the discipline, while continuing to refine their own personal modes of expression. The development of critical skills is emphasized and addressed through individual meetings with faculty, group critiques, and seminar classes. Students are encouraged to arrive at a greater awareness of the historical precedents and theoretical bases of their work.

Painting and Drawing Area faculty Silke Otto-Knapp, Rebecca Morris, and Patty Wickman serve as the primary advisors to students admitted to this area of study. Students may also work with faculty from other areas within the Department of Art or other departments across the university.

All M.F.A. students are offered the use of off-campus individual studios in the UCLA Margo Leavin Graduate Art Studios, located in Culver City. In addition to individual studio spaces, the studio building houses photography, sculpture, ceramics, and computer labs, as well as open spaces for exhibitions, lectures, and group critiques. Although the Department of Art does not offer graduate-level courses in the summer, the graduate studios are open year round.

Graduate Painting and Drawing Courses

Art 271: Graduate Painting

Units: 2 to 8

Studio, eight hours. Study in painting and associated media. May be repeated for credit with consent of adviser. Letter grading.

Art 276. Graduate Group Critique

Units: 4

Discussion, four hours; tutorial, to be arranged. Group critique/discussion of students' research. Additional tutorial meetings by arrangement with instructor. May be repeated for credit. Letter grading.

Art C280. Graduate Seminar

Units: 4

Seminar, three hours. Advanced topics in critical theory and study of contemporary art, with emphasis on individuals, issues, and methodologies. Possible areas of study include structuralism, deconstruction, feminist and psychoanalytic theory, commodification, and censorship. May be repeated for credit. Concurrently scheduled with course C180. Letter grading.

Painting and Drawing M.F.A. Candidates

Haniko Zahra

Jarvis Boyland

salim green

Nehemiah Cisneros,

Rachel Hakimian Emenaker

Marisa O’D-L

Maren Karlson

Sheng Lor,

Yezi Lou,

Painting and Drawing Resources